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The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


Post Date: 23 April 2024

United States based Supranational Inter-American Development Bank has finalised a private placement in the USD Fixed Rate Brownie Bond market. The financing matures in 2029 and was executed by a single dealer. 

A Brownie bond is an USD-denominated bond issued by a United-States entity in the USA Domestic Bond market.

For all the deals placed in the market today use the Bond Market or Money Market Viewers.

Issuer Details
Issuer Inter-American Development Bank
Industry Government - Supranational Institutions
Country United States
Issuer Description Inter-American Development Bank operates as a multilateral development institution. The Bank conducts lending operations emphasizes agricultural, energy, and transportation industries, as well as focuses on poverty reduction, social equity, modernization, integration, and the environmental development. Inter-American Development conducts its business worldwide.
Generic Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
Moody's Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
S&P Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
Fitch Credit Rating [Login to see full details]


Trade Details
Security Type Bond
Amount USD [Login to see full details]
Total Amount including taps USD [Login to see full details]
Total Amount Outstanding USD [Login to see full details]
Total Order Book USD [Login to see full details]
Structure Fixed Rate
Coupon [Login to see full details]
Reoffer [Login to see full details]
Term [Login to see full details]
Yield Notes [Login to see full details]
Trade Date [Login to see full details]
Settlement Date [Login to see full details]
Maturity Date [Login to see full details]

Login to see if this deal qualifies as a Green Bond or Social Bond or other type of ESG Bond.

A Brownie bond is an USD-denominated bond issued by a United-States entity in the USA Domestic Bond market.

Check here for all issuer’s year to date financings.

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