The Collaborative Market Data Network -
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The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


Post Date: 15 May 2024

United Kingdom based Development Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has finalised a private placement in the GHC Fixed Rate Euro Medium Term Note market. The financing matures in 2025 and was executed by a single dealer. 

A Euro bond is a bond or other type of negotiable debt instrument issued in the offshore international, also called eurobond, market. The ISIN of a Euro Market bond always starts with XS. It can be denominated in any freely tradeable currency.

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Issuer Details
Issuer European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Industry Government - Development Bank
Country United Kingdom
Issuer Description The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is an international financial institution founded in 1991. As a multilateral developmental investment bank, the EBRD uses investment as a tool to build market economies. Initially focused on the countries of the former Eastern Bloc it expanded to support development in more than 30 countries from Central Europe to Central Asia. Similar to other multilateral development banks, the EBRD has members from all over the world (North America, Africa, Asia and Australia). The largest shareholder is the United States.
Generic Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
Moody's Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
S&P Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
Fitch Credit Rating [Login to see full details]


Trade Details
Security Type MTN
Amount GHC [Login to see full details]
Total Amount including taps GHC [Login to see full details]
Total Amount Outstanding GHC [Login to see full details]
Total Order Book GHC [Login to see full details]
Structure Fixed Rate
Coupon [Login to see full details]
Price [Login to see full details]
Reoffer [Login to see full details]
Term [Login to see full details]
Yield Notes [Login to see full details]
Trade Date [Login to see full details]
Settlement Date [Login to see full details]
Maturity Date [Login to see full details]

Login to see if this deal qualifies as a Green Bond or Social Bond or other type of ESG Bond.

A Euro bond is a bond or other type of negotiable debt instrument issued in the offshore international, also called eurobond, market. The ISIN of a Euro Market bond always starts with XS. It can be denominated in any freely tradeable currency.

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