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The Collaborative Market Data Network
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Market Data Network


Post Date: 01 March 2024
Kommunalbanken has priced a syndicated USD denominated Global market bond which matures in 2028. 

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Issuer Details
Issuer Kommunalbanken Norway AS
Industry Government - Development Bank
Country Norway
Issuer Description Kommunalbanken is the Norwegian local government funding agency, established by an Act of Parliament in 1927 to secure low cost funding to the Norwegian local government. Loans are granted solely to Norwegian municipalities and counties, against a government guarantee. Kommunalbanken is fully government owned - 80% directly by the Kingdom of Norway (AAA/Aaa) and 20% by the local government sector.. Kommunalbanken AS provides local government funding services. The Company acts as a state instrumentality for the Norwegian central government by providing low cost loans to the Norwegian local government sector.
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Moody's Credit Rating [Login to see full details]
S&P Credit Rating [Login to see full details]


Trade Details
Security Type MTN
Amount USD [Login to see full details]
Total Amount including taps USD [Login to see full details]
Total Amount Outstanding USD [Login to see full details]
Total Order Book USD [Login to see full details]
Structure Floating Rate
Price [Login to see full details]
Reoffer [Login to see full details]
Term [Login to see full details]
Yield Notes [Login to see full details]
Trade Date [Login to see full details]
Settlement Date [Login to see full details]
Maturity Date [Login to see full details]

Login to see if this deal qualifies as a Green Bond or Social Bond or other type of ESG Bond.

A Global Distribution bond is a bond issued in a form that allows it to be traded in both the relevant local (onshore) and the offshore international, also called eurobond, market. To allow for this Global Market bonds typically have two ISINs, one for clearing in the local onshore market and one for clearing in the offshore international eurobond market. It can be denominated in any freely tradeable currency.

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