The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


Post Date: 30 July 2021

Belgium based Belgium French Community has finalised a private placement in the EUR Zero Coupon Mussel Bond market. The financing matures in 2022 and was executed by a single dealer.  

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Issuer: Belgium French Community 
LEI: 529900LT593XA93OL092
Issuer Description: Communaute francaise de Belgique is an entity of Belgian Federal State. 

Industry: Government - Region/provinces
Country: Belgium
Generic: [Login to see full details]
Moodys: [Login to see full details]

Amount: EUR [Login to see full details]
Total Amount including taps: EUR [Login to see full details]

Category: Zero Coupon

Trade Date: [Login to see full details]
Settlement Date: [Login to see full details]
Maturity Date: [Login to see full details]
Term: [Login to see full details]

Login to see if this deal qualifies as a Green Bond or Social Bond or other type of ESG Bond. 

Check here for all issuer’s year to date financings.


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