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The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


Post Date: 30 July 2021

Germany based Development Bank Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has finalised a private placement in the EUR Fixed Rate Euro MTN market. The financing matures in 2029 and was executed by a single dealer.  

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Issuer: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 
LEI: 529900Z3J0N6S0F7CT25
Issuer Description: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Frankfurt am Main, was set up by statute in 1949 to act as a central refinancing institution for agriculture and the food industry. It is a public law organisation with a mission to promote agriculture and rural areas and is a member of the German Association of Public Sector Banks (Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands e.V.). The bank, which is under the legal supervision of the German Federal Government and the banking supervision of the Financial Supervisory Agency (BaFin), provides promotional refinancing for all types of projects associated with agriculture or rural areas.. Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank operates as a government development bank. The Bank provides refinancing for agriculture and rural areas. Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank serves client in Germany. 

Industry: Government - Development Bank
Country: Germany
Generic: [Login to see full details]
Moodys: [Login to see full details]
S&P: [Login to see full details]
Fitch: [Login to see full details]

Amount: EUR [Login to see full details]
Total Amount including taps: EUR [Login to see full details]
Total Amount Outstanding: EUR [Login to see full details]

Category: Fixed Rate
The coupon is [Login to see full details].

Trade Date: [Login to see full details]
Settlement Date: [Login to see full details]
Maturity Date: [Login to see full details]
Term: [Login to see full details]

This is a tap of an earlier placement. Login for more details.
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