From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal
The Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail sub-industry sector comprises all companies that combines a department store and a grocery supermarket. These type of stores rely upon high-volume, low margin sales. These retailers offer a wide range of consumer staples merchandise such as food, household, and personal care products. This Sub-Industry includes hypermarkets, super centers and other consumer staples retailers such as discount retail spaces and on-line marketplaces selling mostly consumer staples goods.
In the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Model the attribute Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP appears in the field IndustrySector.
On 06-September-2023 the size of the Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP IndustrySector Debt Capital Market was USD1.2bn equivalent, with 3 trades.
The size of the Bond Market was USD1.2bn equivalent, with 3 trades.
For more information on issues in Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's instrument search tool.
For more information on the size of the Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's data sheet tool.
For more information on the composition of the Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's issuer search tool.
For more information on active dealers in the Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's dealer search tool.
For more information on active investors in the Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's investor search tool.
IndustrySector, GICSID - 30101040 .