From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal
Diversified Real Estate Activities companies are engaged in a diverse spectrum of real estate activities including real estate development & sales, real estate management, or real estate services, but with no dominant business line.
In the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Model the attribute Diversified Real Estate Activities - CORP appears in the field IndustrySector.
For more information on issues in Diversified Real Estate Activities - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's instrument search tool.
For more information on the size of the Diversified Real Estate Activities - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's data sheet tool.
For more information on the composition of the Diversified Real Estate Activities - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's issuer search tool.
For more information on active dealers in the Diversified Real Estate Activities - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's dealer search tool.
For more information on active investors in the Diversified Real Estate Activities - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's investor search tool.
IndustrySector, GICSID - 60201010 .