From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal
The Government – Supranational Institution is an entity that typically has been created by a treaty for a specific purpose and acts on behalf of a number of States.
In the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Model the attribute Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA appears in the field IndustrySector.
On 06-September-2023 the size of the Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA IndustrySector Debt Capital Market was USD2.17tn equivalent, with 4,761 trades.
The size of the Bond Market was USD2.12tn equivalent, with 4,554 trades.
The size of the Money Market was USD55.59bn equivalent, with 207 trades.
For more information on issues in Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's instrument search tool.
For more information on the size of the Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's data sheet tool.
For more information on the composition of the Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's issuer search tool.
For more information on active dealers in the Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's dealer search tool.
For more information on active investors in the Government - Supranational Institutions - SSA Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's investor search tool.