From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal
The Semiconductors sub-industry sector comprises all companies that offers the materials that have a conductivity value between a metal and an insulator, these could be materials such as silicoin or germanium.
In the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Model the attribute Semiconductors - CORP appears in the field IndustrySector.
For more information on issues in Semiconductors - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's instrument search tool.
For more information on the size of the Semiconductors - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's data sheet tool.
For more information on the composition of the Semiconductors - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's issuer search tool.
For more information on active dealers in the Semiconductors - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's dealer search tool.
For more information on active investors in the Semiconductors - CORP Debt Capital Market, use CMDportal's investor search tool.
IndustrySector, GICSID - 45301020 .