The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network
Euro Commercial Paper

From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal


In the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Model, the Commercial Paper classification appears within the field Security Type which is part of the universe of Bond and Money Market Instruments.

Definition: Euro Commercial Paper can mean a number of things.

  1. Sometimes the term “Euro” is used like in Eurobond, to mean an international debt security.
  2. Euro CP can, depending on context, also simply mean Euro denominated or
  3. issued by an issuer that is domiciled in the EU.

Like in Eurobonds, in capital market data analysis CMDportal often uses the characteristic that the ISIN starts with specific two letters to define a market as follows:

- XS for International or Euro-Commercial Paper, which can either be Euro, Foreign or Global CP and
- not XS for Commercial Paper that is Domestic Commercial Paper, such as DE for German Domestic Commercial Paper, FR for French Domestic Commercial Paper also known as NEUCP, etc.

Subscribing CMDportal users can filter for Commercial Paper by Market typing these first two letters in the ISIN filter or by using the Market filter as provided by most tools on the portal. 

Based on available data, on the 18th March 2020, the size of the vanilla Euro Commercial Paper, as in the one above, in multiple currencies was over USD1,025bn.

For information on issues in the Euro-Commercial Paper market, please use the Instrument search tool.
For information on the current size of the Euro-Commercial Paper market, please use the data sheet tool.
For information on the composition of the Euro-Commercial Paper market, please use the issuer search tool.
For information on active dealers in the Euro-Commercial Paper market, please use the dealer search tool.
For information on active investors in the Euro-Commercial Paper market, please use the fund search tool.

For a Definition of Commercial Paper click here