The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network

From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal 


Definition: FIG is an acronym that refers to Financial Institutions Group (FIG). This universe includes a wide range of banks with banking licenses and a number of other borrowers that provide financial services. It includes Universal Banks, Commercial Banks, Mortgage Banks, Investment Banks, Development Banks, Merchant Banks and other Credit Institutions. The FIG acronym is typically used by investment banks in the context of defining the remit of an operation or desk focused on servicing a specific market. The term is used in contrast with SSA and Corporate markets. At CMDportal this group does not include insurance companies, asset managers, or leasing companies and also not information technology firms. It should also be noted that not all Development banks are FIG, some exist in SSA. The industry sector is determined by how a borrower derives the majority of its revenue.

Where SSA is all that is the public sector, FIG and Corporate are all that is the private sector.

Based on available data, on the 6th March 2018,  the size of the Vanilla FIG Market Bond and Money Market was EUR 7.45 trillion.

For information on issues in FIG Bond and Money Markets, please use the CMDportal Instrument search tool.
For information on the current size of the FIG Bond and Money Markets, please use the CMDportal data sheet tool.
For information on the composition of the FIG Bond and Money Markets market, please use the CMDportal issuer search tool.
For information on active dealers in the FIG Bond and Money Markets market, please use the CMDportal dealer search tool.
For information on active investors in the FIG Bond and Money Markets market, please use the CMDportal Corporate search tool.