From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal
A Foreign Market bond is a bond or other type of negotiable debt instrument issued in a local bond market but in a currency that is foreign or by an issuer that is not incorporated in the jurisdiction of that local bond market. A foreign market bond therefore has either a foreign currency and or a foreign issuer than the ISIN of the local bond market. Local market bonds consists of foreign and domestic bonds.
In the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Model, the field "Market" appears with the attribute or classifications:
- Domestic Market
- Foreign Market
- Euro Market, and
- Global Market.
In Capital Market Data analysis the first two letters off the ISIN are used to determine the Market with the following results:
- XS ISINs are either Euro or Global Bonds,
- non-XS ISINs are either Domestic or Foreign Bonds.
For information on issues in the Foreign Bond Market, please use the Instrument Search tool.
For information on the current size of the Foreign Bond Market, please use the Data Sheet tool.
For information on the composition of the Foreign Bond Market, please use the Issuer Search tool.
For information on active dealers in the Foreign Bond Market, please use the Dealer Search tool.
For information on active investors in the Foreign Bond Market, please use the Fund Search tool.