The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
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The Collaborative
Market Data Network
NEU Commercial Paper

From the Collaborative Bond and Money Market Data Portal


Commercial Paper issued in the French market is known as NEU CP (NEU CP –Negotiable EUropean Commercial Paper).

This market allows issuers to diversify their sources of funding and provides investment opportunities in euro and other currencies. This market was reformed on May 31, 2016 in line with European regulation and international standards.

In accordance with the French financial and monetary code, securities issued since June 1st 2016 are “titres négociables à court terme” and “titres négociables à moyen terme ” following the changes introduced by the aforementioned reform. Their trade name is NEU CP (Negotiable European Commercial Paper) for short term programmes. The use of either trade or legal name is equivalent.

Securities issued before May 31st 2016 under the former legal name “bons à moyen terme négociables” will continue to exist until maturity.

Based on available data, on the 17th June 2019, the size of the vanilla NEU-Commercial Paper was over EUR287bn.

For information on issues in the NEU-Commercial Paper market, please use the Instrument search tool.
For information on the current size of the NEU-Commercial Paper market, please use the data sheet tool.
For information on the composition of the NEU-Commercial Paper market, please use the issuer search tool.
For information on active dealers in the NEU-Commercial Paper market, please use the dealer search tool.
For information on active investors in the NEU-Commercial Paper market, please use the fund search tool.

For a Definition of Commercial Paper click here