The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


@ Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Date: 26th June 2024
Location: Virtual
Format: Webinar

ICMA-HKMA Webinar: Digital Green Bond Issuance and the Bond Data Taxonomy


Join ICMA and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) for a webinar on 26th June at 9.30am (BST), 4.30pm (Hong Kong) where we will reflect on the ground-breaking multi-currency digital green bond issuance by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China on 7 February 2024, and how the Bond Data Taxonomy was implemented. The issuance marked the first adoption of ICMA’s Bond Data Taxonomy (BDT) by a government issuer and a was a first for a green bond.

After a brief introduction there will be a presentation on the key features of the issuance, the benefits for issuers and investors, as well as the opportunities, challenges and lessons learned.

After the presentation, Gabriel Callsen from ICMA and Georgina Lok from the HKMA will discuss the implementation of the Bond Data Taxonomy and how this can pave the way for greater automation and interoperability.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions after the discussion.

Please submit any questions you may have by email to

Admission: This webinar is free to attend and open to ICMA members and interested market participants.


Click here to register for the event.