The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


@ London, United Kingdom

Date: 20th June 2024
Location: London, UK
Format: Forum

Global sovereign debt forum

OMFIF’s Sovereign Debt Institute, in collaboration with the Emerging Markets Investors Alliance, is launching its inaugural Global sovereign debt forum.

This will be a truly global event, convening debt management offices from across central and eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia, along with multilateral developments banks, portfolio managers and other key market participants.

In addition to discussing funding plans and issuance strategies of DMOs, there will be dedicated sessions on innovative plans by MDBs to scale up financing, the evolution of the sustainable bond market, investor relations and more.

Click here to register for the event.