The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


@ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Date: 25th June 2024
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Format: Hybrid

ICMA's 10th Annual Conference of the Principles


The 2024 Annual Conference of the Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (collectively known as the “Principles”) will be held in Amsterdam on Tuesday 25 June. The Principles are the leading framework globally for the issuance of sustainable bonds and are the de facto standard referenced by over 98% of sustainable bond issuance internationally. The Principles underpin a market representing near $4 trillion of securities in stock, the largest source of debt capital finance available for sustainable projects and transition finance.

The full day conference agenda will combine keynote speeches and panel discussions with leading market figures and experts in sustainable finance. It will feature key updates on the 2024 guidance from the Principles, as well as the critical topics being debated in sustainable finance from a global perspective including transition finance, market integrity and regulation.

The conference will be in-person with an online facility for those who are unable to travel to Amsterdam.

Members of ICMA;  Members and Observers of the Principles; Representatives from the public sector - Free
Members and Observers of the Principles - Free
Non-Members - EUR 350.00
Virtually via livestream - Free
ICMA welcomes participation from the press at its events. Registration and attendance is free of charge for journalists.