07 December 2023 13:00 - 13:30
Date: 7th December 2023
Location: Online
Format: Webinar
Time: 8:00am NYC / 1:00pm London / 2:00pm Frankfurt / 8:00pm Hong Kong / 9:00pm Tokyo
As we look back on a year of normalization for KfW’s core business, what were the highlights for the CEO of Germany’s state-owned promotional bank in the year of the bank’s 75th anniversary? What are his expectations in 2024 in order to accelerate intelligent transformation, strengthening Germany and Europe as a powerful industrial and technology location?
How did KfW, as one of the leading SSA issuers, manage its funding needs when primary markets became more challenging during the course of the year? What are the Treasurer’s hot topics for KfW’s funding programme in 2024?
KfW will introduce a new Green Bond Framework 4.0 valid for its green bonds from 2024 onwards. What’s new about the framework? What is important for investors to know?
KfW’s CEO and Treasurer share their views. The broadcast will cover the following:
1. An interview with KfW’s CEO Stefan Wintels
2. An interview with KfW’s Treasurer Tim Armbruster
3. An introduction to KfW’s new Green Bond Framework 4.0
Carolin Roth, an internationally recognized financial journalist, will conduct the interviews.
The broadcast and the transcript will be in English. The replay of the broadcast will continue to be available after the initial release, provisionally until April 2024.
The semi-annual Global Investor Broadcast is intended to complement KfW’s regular investor communication conducted throughout the year.
Access: Registration via Deal Roadshow here.