The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


Date: December 5th
Format: In-person & Virtual
Venue: Tbc

Market infrastructure survey launch

The global bond markets have long been criticised for being inefficient, lacking integration and lagging in the adoption of digitalisation and technology. This is not for lack of effort, as there are fundamental flaws within the process of debt issuance making this burdensome.

To understand these key issues and find solutions, OMFIF’s Sovereign Debt Institute will launch its inaugural market infrastructure survey for public sector borrowers, debt capital markets banks and fixed income investors. The survey seeks to investigate the problems in current market infrastructure and how they can be improved. The anonymised results will be presented at an exclusive launch event in December featuring a panel of leading sovereign, supranational and agency issuers, banks, investors and other key market participants in the bond markets.

The results of the survey will form the basis of a series of market infrastructure workshops in 2024. These workshops will be off the record to provide a knowledge-sharing forum for market participants to discuss how to improve the bond issuance process. We will explore ways to improve efficiencies in workflow, pre-trade processes, price discovery, book-building, settlement and look at the use of digital bonds, blockchain and more. These workshops will bring together a broad range of market participants including issuers, investors, banks, digital platforms, clearing and settlement houses, consultants, trading platforms, law firms and others.


Click here to register for the event.