The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


40,717 active users on CMDportal.

Register today and unlock the power of the largest dedicated global capital market community for your financing, investment and book-running or private placement deals. 

Issuer Services - Create momentum and increase funding diversification!

Where do you post for and your funding success?

Create momentum and increase funding diversification! The CMDportal audience is growing daily and provides a unique opportunity to target a dedicated fixed income audience. No more outdated press or market contact email lists. With one simple post you reach the largest possible audience of wholesale market participants. All posts stay on the portal with you as contact, providing ongoing visibility and opportunity.

Where do you post your funding Targets?

Where do you research market trends?

How to provide the market with a correct record of outstanding bonds?

How to manage contacts in a world where users change roles?

Only active users in the CMDportal address book.

Dealer Services - See and be seen to grow and increase your franchise!

Where do you post your dealing success?

See and be seen to grow and increase your franchise! The CMDportal audience is growing daily and provides a unique opportunity to target an audience that needs to know. No more outdated press or market contact email lists. With one simple post your reach the largest possible audience of wholesale market participants. All posts stay on the portal with you as contact, providing ongoing visibility and opportunity.

Where do you access funding programmes and borrower funding targets?

How to manage contacts in a world where users change roles?

Only active users in the CMDportal address book.

Keeps you up to date on changes affecting your investments.

Investor Services - Accurate Data and Benchmarking!

Where do you research market trends?

How to manage contacts in a world where users change roles?

Only active users in the CMDportal address book.